A lot of times, I will receive either a request regarding Cord Cutting - - so, I finally decided to share one that is easy to do and will also get the job done well. It might even be more effective for you, who knows right?
Some people may wonder why would I share it if I can accept the money to do it myself and the answer here is simple... "not all workers are happy to accept every job just because they get paid for it" - - and that's the reality, lol! I am one of those people, add to the fact that I do try to make my service affordable as I can - sometimes, even more than necessary, but, it is just not worth at times and in reality, doing rituals and work like these are not even easy as much as other people would think it is.
Anyway, there are different kinds of Cord Cutting and there are various methods to do so. Each worker will mostly do things differently. I do it differently as well... this one I will share with you all is not my method when you purchase a cord cutting from me, but it is highly effective so getting to read this is already a steal! You might as well give it a go as sometimes, doing it yourself is a lot more effective and you get to filter out "fake" practitioners that might just steal your money and scam you as well.
Cutting The Cords Spell Instructions:
Things you need:
9 pcs of black walnuts
1 to 3 full cup(s) of kosher salt
bay leaves
a photo of you and this person and put an "X" mark or some form of symbol that shows you and that person being cut in between away from each other, you can put the photo in a small transparent plastic to cover it so it doesn't stain the water if you wish or you can simply put their photo on it and put a huge "X" on the their photo.
White and Black Candle (taper or 4 inch size is okay - optional to do)
Cut and Clear Oil (optional)
A cord to tie the candle together (optional)
Black Walnut has been known for its use in severing ties with another person, very common in a lot of breakup works as well, it can also cut out the connection and contact with someone - - so the cord cutting for this one is a complete severing of connection. (If you know me and my work, you would know my cord cutting style is not like this at all, as mentioned, there are different kinds of cord cutting work and this kind of cord cutting will literally cut connections with another person.)
It is very important that we use Kosher Salt for this, so do not substitute it with Sea Salt or even Table Salt. Kosher Salt is a "blessed" salt and has been known to really absorb negativity to things. Peppermint is very cleansing, soothing and can remove even the most sticky negative things in our life, it can also help us with any mental chaos we may be suffering from as well. Bay Leaves are also known to bring good luck and has purification properties to it as well.
Now, get a bowl or basin and put all the ingredients mentioned in and bring it to a boiling water / or just add low boiling water to it and leave this in for an hour at most as it cools down.
During this time, you can wait for things to cool down to an hour or you can also choose to light a candle to support it (ideally done for its potency). Take a white and black candle and carve the white candle with your name and the black with theirs, anoint this with a Cut and Clear Oil - tie them with a cord that connects you together symbolically and put it on a fire proof dish and light it up. Set forth your prayer of intention to cast away and remove this connection and ensure that this person has no power and hold over you now. You can wait for this to end and let ut burn completely if you wish. You can finish this first before you continue on the next step.
Once all that is done, it is time you strain out the ingredients (or if you have placed them on a sachet bag, you can just take out the sachet) Pray over this mixture for the intention of cutting away from this person, talk to this mixture that it will cut things and remove your tie with this particular person - - then, read Psalms 23 over it.
It is already been cooled down and it is okay as it is better that way. Cooling things off has a symbolic nature in this situstion as well.
Use this mixture to wash yourself off (ensure you already have taken a bath before hand as when you wash yourself with this, you are not allowed to wash it again with normal water for at least 24 hours) - - as you wash it off, put your intentions in and visualize them being cut off and away from you. As the water flows to you and goes down the drain - so this connection will be removed and go down the drain as well.
After that, air dry yourself (don't use a towel to make it more effective - just air dry yourself; if you must use a towel, ensure you just pat yourself dry.)
And you are done!