Free Spell: Easy Candle Work for Cleansing and Reversing
So, I have been practicing this old technique for years and it has always been my emergency go-to as it is very effective. This one is...
Free Spell Tutorial: Know The Truth Spell
A free spell tutorial called The Truth Spell or what I call, Know The Truth Spell - very easy to do!
Free Spell: Cutting the Cords Ritual, also popularly known as Cord Cutting
Cut the Cords, Cord Cutting Spell Ritual that you can do by youself, just follow these instructions carefully.
Shop Announcements for October 2023 to December 2023
You may or may not have heard... but it's finally happening - - I am going on a vacation! After munch hard work with the shop, working on...
Astrology of Weight Loss and Exercise Effectively
A lot of times, when it comes to weight loss and exercise, people will just look at things on what works for other people, copy it......
Saturn in Pisces Transit Effects 2023 to 2026
Saturn enters the sign of Pisces on March 8, 2023 and it ends its 3 year transit cycle until February 14, 2026.